Student Emails
K-5 grade - Google Drive Access Only
All students in grades K-5 have access to a Google Drive Account.
Follow these instructions to log in:
Go to
Your email is lastname(six letters).firstname(sixletters)day of birthday
ex> Student Samuel Montaldo, birthday February 14th
Your user name is your email without the (when you enter it, it wants your user name, not your email.)
Your password is sv+student number. Your student number can be found by logging into Infinite Campus and click on TODAY.
ex> sv203520
The first time students log in, they must accept the conditions and terms on a laptop or a computer, not a mobile device.
6th-12th Grade - SVVSD Email Account
Go to
Your email is lastname(six letters).firstname(sixletters)day of birthday
ex> Student Samuel Montaldo, birthday February 14th
Your user name is your email without the (when you put it into the screen, it wants your user name, not your email.)
Note: The first time students log in, they must accept the conditions and terms on a laptop or a computer, not a mobile device.
How to Change your Password
Step #1: Go to
Step #2: Login using your current username (smith.john13) and password. (drop the svvsd)
Step #3: Click on Change Password. Set up your three security questions.
Step #4: Choose a new password. Your password should be something that is only memorable to you: a pet’s name, your favorite color, and some numbers, whatever you are going to remember most. Your password must follow the guidelines below:
- Minimum password length: 12 characters
- Previous passwords may not be reused
- Two of the following must be followed if the password is less than 16 characters:
- Passwords may not contain a significant portion of the person’s name
- Passwords may not contain a significant portion of the person’s last password
- Passwords may not contain any character 3 times or more consecutively
- Passwords must not contain a restricted pattern (see Password Manager for list)
Step #5: Login with your new password using a computer before logging into a mobile device or into a Chromebook.