Student Emails

K-5 grade - Google Drive Access Only

All students in grades K-5 have access to a Google Drive Account.

Follow these instructions to log in:

Go to

Your email is lastname(six letters).firstname(sixletters)day of birthday

ex> Student Samuel Montaldo, birthday February 14th

[email protected]

Your user name is your email without the (when you enter it, it wants the entire email, not just the username)

Your password is sv+student number. Your student number can be found by logging into Infinite Campus and click on TODAY.

ex> sv203520


The first time students log in, they must accept the conditions and terms on a laptop or a computer, not a mobile device.


6th-12th Grade - SVVSD Email Account

Students in grades 6-12 all have an assigned Gmail address through the St. Vrain Valley School District and are expected to use them. District email gives you access to your Google drive as well.
Follow these instructions to log in:

Go to

Your email is lastname(six letters).firstname(sixletters)day of birthday

ex> Student Samuel Montaldo, birthday February 14th

[email protected]

Your user name is your email without the (when you put it into the screen, it wants the entire email, not just the username.)

Note:  The first time students log in, they must accept the conditions and terms on a laptop or a computer, not a mobile device.

How to Change your Password

Step #1:  Go to

Step #2:  Login using your current username (smith.john13) and password.  (drop the svvsd)

Step #3: Click on Change Password. Set up your three security questions. 

Step #4:  Choose a new password.  Your password should be something that is only memorable to you: a pet’s name, your favorite color, and some numbers, whatever you are going to remember most.  Your password must follow the guidelines below: 

  • Minimum password length: 12 characters
  • Previous passwords may not be reused
  • Two of the following must be followed if the password is less than 16 characters:
    1. Passwords may not contain a significant portion of the person’s name
    2. Passwords may not contain a significant portion of the person’s last password
    3. Passwords may not contain any character 3 times or more consecutively
    4. Passwords must not contain a restricted pattern (see Password Manager for list)

Step #5:  Login with your new password using a computer before logging into a mobile device or into a Chromebook.