Colorado Homeschool Law
Colorado Homeschool Law
Families that enroll in APEX are enrolling their child(ren) in a part-time public school program, yet the parents remain the primary educators, and homeschooling is the primary means of education. All responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of the home school law rests solely with the parents and not with APEX or St. Vrain Valley School District. The following information is intended only as a reference and resource. It is the parent’s responsibility to verify that they are meeting the full requirements of the law.
St. Vrain Valley School District – homeschooling
APEX is now the district liaison for homeschooling in the St. Vrain Valley Schools. We are happy to answer your questions and assist you in any way we can!
To Submit your letter of Intent or test scores:
By Mail: APEX - SVVSD Homeschool, ATTN: Michelle Fuller, 1351 S. Sunset, Unit B, Longmont CO 80501
By Email: Please attach your letter as a PDF document and email it to us at [email protected]
(Letter of Intent for homeschooling SAMPLE letter)