Registration » Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus Portal Information

Infinite Campus is used to manage student records including grades, schedules, attendance records and more.  We encourage all families to check their Infinite campus account regularly to stay current with your students' progress. You will need to be able to login to Infinite Campus to view or print your child’s schedule.

  1. Returning SVVSD Families INFINITE CAMPUS 
    1. Please login and check that all your students are visible, then follow the instruction to print your student’s schedules.
    2. Forgot your password? Click Forgot Password in IC.  You will receive a password reset.  Please allow 48 hours. Please complete this Form.
    3. If you have never logged into Infinite Campus and need activation code.  Please complete this Form.
    1. Please login to Infinite Campus.  Your new parent activation code is sent during the enrollment process.  Please look through your email and SPAM for an email subject “SVVSD Portal Activation.”
    2. Click New User
    3. Enter Code and complete email recovery page
    4. Please log out and then login and check that all your students are visible.
    5. If you need your access code resent, Please complete this Form.

Payment Process for Infinite Campus Fees

All fees are assessed in Infinite Campus (which includes materials fees, course fees, and iPad fees) and will need to be paid directly in IC through the Campus Payments tool. Directions for using Campus Payments can be found here.

NOTE about student fees - APEX provides fee assistance for those families that qualify for free and reduced lunch. We are also more than happy to arrange a payment plan for you if needed. Contact Michelle Fuller for more information.