24-25 K8 Class Grids

Please check your day for class closures.  If you request a closed class please request an open class as your alternate,  Students will be placed into their alternate and on a waiting list for their first choice class.
Students in grades K-8 will enroll on one APEX day only and take classes during all 6 instructional periods on that day. Students may not have an open period or attend on a second day. Exceptions are considered for 8th graders ready for high school level math courses and for students enrolled in Orchestra.

Considerations for Class Selection

  • Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade students do not select classes
  • Please READ the course description for EACH class
  • Use the Student Schedule Worksheet to help you plan your classes
  • Carefully consider the class RATING
  • Choose an ALTERNATE for every period
  • Classes fill on a FIRST COME/FIRST SERVE basis. However, sometimes we have to make choices to lessen the grade range of class or offer a spot to a student who would not have access to that class the following year instead. You will always be notified if your student is placed in an alternate class.
All site transfers have now been processed and all parents have been notified. If you requested a transfer and have not heard from us, please let us know. If you requested to enroll a sibling, you should have already received an offer. Sibling priority registration is now closed. If you have questions about transfers or sibling registration, please contact Michelle Fuller at [email protected]

Class Ratings Explained

The class rating determines how much homework and outside time each class will require. Please consider these ratings carefully as you select your student’s schedule. Ratings will be followed closely throughout the year.


The ratings are as follows:

1 - No outside homework

2 - Some outside homework, not to exceed 1 hour per week

3 - Approximately 2 hours of homework

4 - Approximately 3 hours of homework and parent involvement (1-2 hours teacher instruction, 3 hours parent-supervised work).

5 - Approximately 4 hours of homework and parent involvement (1-2 hours teacher instruction, 4-5 hours parent-supervised work).

APEX Recommended Course Pathways

Classes shown on the grids include multiple grades. In order to help parents plan a pathway through the APEX course offerings, our teachers have created this recommended course scope and sequence. On this spreadsheet, you can see all the courses offered in the APEX catalog in the order our teachers recommend students take them. None of our classes are required, and parents are free to make other choices that best suit their student’s needs and interests. Pathway courses are those our teachers would recommend your student take in each subject. Additional courses are those your student may wish to take if she/he is interested in exploring further in a subject area or if you wish to keep the sequential courses in that subject area within your homeschool program and not take them at APEX. NOTE: Not all of our classes are offered every year.