Back to School Checklist
Welcome Back to School
STEP 1: Download the APEX Family Handbook and review it with your family.
STEP 2: Complete APEX Permissions Form
Please complete the APEX Permissions Form for each APEX student.
STEP 4: School Supply List
Plan to bring school supplies to school on your APEX day during Orientation Week, August 12-16..
Step 5: Join Google Classroom (3rd-12th grade only)
3rd-5th grade - Students in 3rd-5th grade do not have access to email so they will join Google Classroom through their district Google Drive Account. To learn how to log in check out our Google Classroom resources on our website.
6th-12th grade - An email invite will be sent to the students' school email account asking them to join Google Classroom no later than Friday, August 9. To learn more about school email accounts and how to log in click HERE.
**All 6th grade students will need to change their password. Click HERE for instructions on how to change their password.
Information about the First Day of School
For start and end times and where to park click HERE.
Note about Student Fees
There is a $30 per student activity fee. Fees will be posted by September 15 and due October 15.
For students in 7th-12th grade a $25 iPad insurance fee will be applied to the student's account in the Fall and will need to be paid within two weeks. Although this is an optional fee it is highly recommended.
These fees will appear on the student’s account through Infinite Campus and can be paid online or by cash or check at APEX. Please make checks payable to: St. Vrain Valley Schools (SVVSD).
NOTE about student fees - APEX provides fee assistance for those families that qualify for free or reduced lunch. We are also more than happy to arrange a payment plan for you if needed. Contact Michelle Fuller for more information.