LeFevre - Computer Skills (Section Mon 5)

Mrs. Sara LeFevre
2019-2020 School Year

Assignment Calendar

Course Description


Class Title:

Computer Skills





Edutyping, MS Office, and Google Suite






3-4, 5-6,






Can be repeated? Yes

Description: Students will work through a self-paced typing program to learn touch typing skills and keyboarding through lessons, games and activities. Students will be issued a username and password so they can continue their typing practice at home for at least one hour each week. Students will also learn basic Windows functions and how to use word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software to create fabulous documents they will be proud of. This class is appropriate for students with some computer experience as well as those just beginning their computer literacy. Internet access at home is required.


Checking In!

Hi Everyone!  
Wow, I am missing you all so much!  I hope this finds you all healthy and in good spirits.  Next week is Spring Break, but after that I will be in touch and sending out some fun activities that you can do from home!  Until then...
Mrs. LeFevre

Computer Skills 3-4 Update: February

We are continuing our activities with Google Sheets this month.  This week the students finished up some March calendars that they made.  I will print these and the students will be bringing them home.  Our next project will introduce the students to sharing worksheets as well as some charts and graphs! 
If you want to see your child's progress on their projects, they can sign into their SVVSD Google account at home.  You just need to go to: 
The username and password are the same as on the typing program.  
Also, don't forget, an hour of typing homework every week. 

Computer Skills Update: January

Wow, we are already three weeks into the new semester!  So far this month, the students have been exploring Google Sheets and finding their way around in the worksheet and cells.  This week they are finishing a mystery picture.  In doing this project, the students are becoming more comfortable with navigating the sheet and finding certain cells as well as resizing columns and rows.   
If you want to see your child's progress on their projects, they can sign into their SVVSD Google account at home.  You just need to go to: 
The username and password are the same as on the typing program.  
Also, don't forget, an hour of typing homework every week. 

Computer Skills Update: December

Hello all!  It has been a quick semester!  We have been working on Google Docs all of this time.  When we come back in January, we will be starting on Google Sheets!  
Today in class, the students had some free-time.  They spent time on the games at abcya.com and/or the Google Santa Tracker.  I told them that they have access to these sites at home, but need your permission.   
No typing homework over the break.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful break and a great holiday season! 

Computer Skills Update: Week of 11/18/19

The students finished their fall poems and the poems look great!  The poems are all hanging in the classroom.  After the break the students will be bringing them home.  
We are now starting on creating some bookmarks.  In this document the students are learning how to add a drawing into their project.  They are also learning about text boxes.  These will be printed and laminated so that the students can use them! 
If you want to see your child's progress on their projects, they can sign into their SVVSD Google account at home.  You just need to go to: 
The username and password are the same as on the typing program.  
Also, don't forget, an hour of typing homework every week. 

Computer Skills Update: Week of 10/28/19

The students are doing great with their typing.  Through homework and time in class, the students are making their way through typing.com very nicely!  
For our projects in class, we are still in Google Docs.  We are currently finishing up a fall poem.  The students are continuing with practice in modifying text, page organization and adding media.  
As always:
If you want to see your child's progress on their projects, they can sign into their SVVSD Google account at home.  You just need to go to: 
Also, don't forget, an hour of typing homework every week.  

Computer Skills 3-4 Update: Week of 10/7/19

We are still in Google Docs and the students are finishing up their All About Me document.  They did great with this!  They had a lot of fun adding pictures of themselves into this document this week.  
In the upcoming weeks, we will continue with projects in Docs. 
If you want to see your child's progress on their projects, they can sign into their SVVSD Google account at home.  You just need to go to: 
Also, don't forget, an hour of typing homework every week.  

Computer Skills 3-4 Update: Week of 9/16

In class the kids have been working hard on their typing skills.  They are getting pretty good at coming into class, getting signed in and just working away. 
We were able to get onto Google Docs this week.  The students began a paragraph about their summer.  In the next couple of weeks, we will continue with Docs.  The students will start an All About Me document and learn how to modify text and add in pictures.  
If you want to see your child's progress on their projects, they can sign into their SVVSD Google account at home.  You just need to go to: 
Also, don't forget, an hour of typing homework every week.  

Computer Skills -- First Week Update

It has been a busy first week in Computer Skills.  The kids are learning the rules around the computer and are learning how to sign into the MacBooks and typing.  
Remember, one hr of typing homework is required every week.  I will check this by looking at the students' logs.  If you do not have a log or lose the log, there are copies on my page that you can print off.  
**Note** I had told some parents that we would be using Chromebooks.  With how the computer/class numbers in the school ended up we got the MacBooks for our Computer Skills class.
Happy Typing!