Boatman - Computer Skills (Section Fri 5)

Mrs. Anna Boatman
2019-2020 School Year

Assignment Calendar

Course Description


Class Title:

Computer Skills


E970 MEL980

Text:, Microsoft Office, and Google Suite






3­-4, 5­-6, 7-­8





Can be repeated? Yes

Students will work through a self­paced typing program to learn touch typing skills through lessons, games and activities. Students are expected to practice keyboarding for 1 hour each week, using the online program or other assignments at home. Students will also learn basic computer functions and how to use word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software to create fabulous documents they will be proud of. This class is appropriate for students with some computer experience as well as those just beginning their computer literacy.


Internet access at home is required.


Hello from Mrs. Boatman

Hi everyone! Just wanted to check in and let you all know that I miss you and I'm thinking about you! Hope you all are staying healthy and are enjoying your extra time at home! Have a great Spring Break and I will be in touch shortly after break with some fun activities you can do from home to keep up your math and computer skills!

Computer Skills Update

Hello! We are continuing to work with Google Sheets. We learned how to create a calendar and add our own events. We are learning how to organize information into a chart and then make different types of graphs with our data. Coming soon we will transition to Google Slides!

News from Computer Skills

Hello! Welcome to 2nd Semester! We are now learning about Google Sheets. We discussed what is familiar and what is different with this program. We learned about rows, columns, and cell addresses. We learned how to tell the computer a pattern and how to have it do our work for us! We learned how to fill cells with color, and are in the process of creating a Mystery Pixel Art picture by filling specific cells with designated colors. Next we will learn how to display data in a chart and then turn it into different types of graphs.

Computer Skills Update

We have concluded our work with Google Docs. After the break we will transition into Google Sheets. While only one week of typing is due the week we return from the break, if students would like to do any extra typing, please write a note on the side of their typing log indicating how many extra minutes they practiced and they can earn extra stickers towards their next prize! Have a wonderful break and we will see you next year!

Typing Over Thanksgiving Break

Hello! Wanted to let you know that even though students will not come to APEX for two weeks due to Thanksgiving Break, only 60 minutes of typing practice will be due the week we return. If your student would like to practice an additional 60 minutes during the extra week, please send in a note or indicate this off to the side on their typing log (there is not an extra spot to write in the extra week), and they will earn an extra sticker towards their next prize.

Update- Computer Skills

We have finished our Fall Poems and are working on designing our own bookmarks using the Drawing Tools in Google Docs. I will print these out, laminate them, and send them home when we are finished. We have also started an "I Am Finished" assignment in which students can create a Rebus Story using emojis whenever they finish an assignment early. Next, we will complete a "Copy and Paste" activity, and then we will move on to learning about Google Sheets!

Computer Skills Update

We have finished up our "All About Me" assignments- students can now insert a picture of themselves or an image they choose from the internet into their document, resize it, and move it around. They can also highlight text and change font size, style, and color, underline, bold, and italicize text, and align their text in various ways. We are now working on a "Fall Poem" in which students will type 5 lines of their poem themselves describing what fall looks, sounds, smells, feels, and tastes like to them, make their text in whatever style and color they choose, and decorate their poem with a fall border.

Computer Skills Update

Hello! We have been learning how to format using Google Docs. We are well into our "All About Me" assignment where we are learning how to change font style and size, add color and highlight text, and insert images. Students are able to access their google drives from home- go to, have them enter the same login information as they use for, and they are able to show you what we've been working on in class! Please do not have students work on in-class assignments at home though.

Computer Skills Update

Hello! This week in class we discussed online safety. We learned how to create a folder in our Drive and share it with me. We are starting to learn about Google Docs and will create an assignment called "All About Me' in the next couple of weeks. Please keep up the typing practice at home- I already have several students who have their login information memorized and no longer need their login cards in class- keep up the great work!

Typing Log

Hello! As students are getting into the routine of bringing their Typing Logs to class, I wanted to mention that I am discussing with students that it is THEIR responsibility to make sure their log is signed and brought to class each week. I've gotten several comments this week such as "My mom forgot to sign my log!", and I am instructing students that THEY are responsible for handing their log to a parent to sign, putting it in their backpack, and bringing it to school as THEY are the ones earning the grade for this class. Thank you in advance for reinforcing this with your student at home.

Welcome to Computer Skills 1

Hello! Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! It was so great meeting so many of you this week! As a reminder, please have your student try to log into the website before class next week- please let me know if you have any issues. Typing homework will begin next week with the first 60 minutes due September 4th, 5th, or 6th, depending on which day you attend. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!